The PCS Children’s Choir, directed by Stephanie Sant, was established in 2012. The Choir includes 4th through 8th grade treble singers and draws on children from the greater Palouse and Valley regions. These students are provided cultural and artistic enrichment that is classically based. We put a strong emphasis on healthy vocal production, music reading skills, and performance. The Children’s Choir performs with PCS Chorale and Chamber Choir. When local health and safety allows, the choir enjoys singing for residents of area retirement and nursing homes. If you’re lucky, you might even find yourself in the middle of their favorite activity, “flash mobbing”!

Children’s Choir member donations cover the cost of music, education from the director, expertise of the accompanist, and attire options
Contact us: Matt Zook Administrative Coordinator 1-509-800-7905. P.O. Box 994 Pullman, Wa 99163